Though this data was collected on US statistics, we follow similar guidelines in Canada and free market allows the sale of all cosmetics approved by FDA.
Buyer beware! What you see is not always what you get.
Natural skin care, you would think, would be made from natural ingredients. Natural ingredients come from plants, right?
Well, maybe…
Various dictionaries define natural as:
However, in the world of natural skincare products, the word "natural" has no legal definition. Manufacturers can call their products natural if they contain all natural skincare ingredients, a few natural ingredients or none at all.
Even organic, natural skincare is not what you might think. Surely, if it says organic it must have all healthy ingredients, right?
Well again, maybe or maybe not!
Recently the Organic Consumer’s Association (OCA) commissioned a study of organic, natural skincare and body care products from health food stores. The results showed that many of the popular products labeled as organic actually contained the cancer-causing contaminant 1,4-dioxane.
So, even though it should be easier to identify truly all natural, organic skincare products, it really isn’t if you’re just looking at the label.
Make sure you do these things before you buy:
With all the deception in the organic market, it is just as important now, as ever before, to do your due diligence. Do your homework and vote with your dollars for the truly good-for-you organic natural skin care products.
At Sohma Naturals, we STRIVE for integrity and transparency. We are FULLY committed to producing authentically natural products, and completely dedicated to creating the most effective formulations that you can trust This is our promise to you as you carve out your NEW BLUEPRINT OF NATURAL HEALTH.